
Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Little Things

Going through this deployment, It's all about the little things- emails, notes, pictures, and videos. The little things make it so much easier to get through.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Week Update

Jonathan Update:

I spoke to Jonathan several times this past week- both on the phone and through instant message. He is getting settled into where he is staying and into his job there. While I know he misses home, he really does sound good! We are both still counting down the days until he's home safe and sound. Please keep the prayers going. If anyone would like to send him anything through the mail, just let me know and I can get you his address. The timeline for his snail mail arrival is around two weeks.

The week in Photos:

Last Saturday, I took my sister, my mom, and Abigail to see Disney Princesses and Heroes on Ice. This was the first Disney show on ice any of us had seen. Abigail got all dolled up in her Elsa dress from Frozen to go to the show. We even put a braid in her hair- just like Elsa. We all had a ball!

Elsa Braid

Our seats were so close to the ice


Big smiles during the "Under the Sea" scene because tons of bubbles floated down from the ceiling

Abigail and Mimi saying the blessing before feeding all the pups...After all, there were a total of FIVE!

This past week was Pride Week at school where each day we dressed up in a different theme. My favorite was "Merica Monday. I got to sport my America wear and show off support for my future hubs!

Flag scarf and Glasses - Represent!

This was also the last week before spring break. Of course, it was FULL of meetings in the afternoon. I got home late from work Wednesday night, so I ended up feeding the pups a little before 9. These days that is more like bedtime and less like dinner time. I walk in the house from the garage with Flint's full bowl in my hands, and being the clumsy person that I am, I drop the bowl...Ugh! Food went everywhere! It was like a movie- every inch of the kitchen floor was covered in pebbles of dog food. The clip below illustrates the best way I could come up with to clean up the food in my exhaustion.

Now, I am at home in Albany for my spring break...It feels so so good to be home. It's funny- No matter how old I get, sometimes I just have to come home to my mama. With Jonathan being gone for almost 2 weeks now, a dose of home was what I needed! I am looking forward to a week with family, especially little Miss Abigail. Hoping to soak up some sun and get some wedding planning done!